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AC MP3Welcome to the Wings Holiday Medan site. We are the Best Travel Agency company in Medan that provides a variety of tour package needs for your vacation activities with friends and beloved family.
With us you will experience a unique, fun and full of pleasant travel experience. In addition, we provide Medan - Berastagi - Lake Toba - Samosir Island & Simalem Resort Park Tour Packages. We offer low prices but with quality services.
Make sure! The best vacation to Lake Toba only with us Wings Holiday Medan.
We provide several choices of tour packages with selected travel destinations:
For the purpose of renting your vehicle during the trip, we offer various types of vehicles from Avanza cars to Tourism Bus (* Terms and Conditions Apply)
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AC MP3 TV KaraokeFor your accomodation needs while traveling, we offer a variety of the best hotels for you: